
In Fours

Four movies I would watch more than once:
1) "Center Stage"
2) "The Sound of Music"
3) "Phantom of the Opera"
4) "10 Things I Hate About You"

Four places I have lived:
1) Jacksonville, FL
2) Virginia Beach, VA
3) Columbia, MO
4) St. Louis, MO

Four places I have been:
1) Taiwan
2) Norway
3) London
4) New York City

Four jobs I have had:
1) Layout designer at the Times-Union (my current job)
2) Design intern at the Virginian-Pilot
3) Sports designer at the Columbia Missourian
4) Production manager at The Maneater

Four Web sites I visit daily:
1) facebook.com
2) twitter.com
3) jacksonville.com
4) mail.google.com

Four people who e-mail me (regularly):
1) my editor
2) my dad
3) Victoria Secret
4) Express

Four of my favorite foods:
1) pasta
2) chocolate
3) cheese
4) ice cream

Four places I'd rather be right now:
1) the beach
2) the future
3) New York City
4) The Virginian-Pilot

Four albums I can't live without:
1) Rent soundtrack
2) We Started Nothing (The Ting Tings)
3) Legally Blonde: The Musical soundtrack
4) Metro Station (Metro Station) or The Fray (The Fray)

Four stores/restaurants I "keep in business":
1) Wendy's
2) Sushi Rock
3) Target
4) Forever 21

Four things I am looking forward to this year:
1) the future
2) the beach
3) meeting new people
4) keeping my job

Four TV shows that I watch:
1) "Lost"
2) "The Office"
3) "Privileged"
4) "The City/The Hills"

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